
Monday May 17, 2021
Bluebeam Or Disclosure? Feat. Alara From One Foot In 5D (Truth Warrior)
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
I welcome Alara from 'One Foot N5D' about recent announcements regarding military admission of knowledge of UFO’s and whether this is all just a big psyop/bluebeam agenda, an internal battle at the top levels, or an actual push to start disclosing this subject to the public.
What are your thoughts?
Alara's Telegram: https://t.me/alaraofsiriuschannel
My Site: https://www.dwtruthwarrior.com/
My Linktree for all else: https://linktr.ee/dwtruthwarrior

Wednesday May 12, 2021
WORLD AT WAR Feat. Josh Reid (Truth Warrior)
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Wednesday May 12, 2021
In this episode I speak with Josh Reid from The Red Pill Project about the nature of reality & consciousness, deep underground bases, USO's, lost ancient civilizations, the dark occult, the global reset, the white hats, human trafficking, the looming war in the middle east, the oil fiasco, and more pandemic lies.
Check out Josh's website: https://www.redpillproject.online/
My linktree: https://linktr.ee/dwtruthwarrior
*There are alot of people out there who still give their money to walmart, target, costco, amazon etc. We give these big corporations our money till we die. the big idea behind my sponsor patriot switch, is that we have found a family owned, patriot owned manufacturer that manufactures 100% of their product line in house and competes with these big box monopolies. So, what if a bunch of us little guys banded together and we all stopped giving those big guys our money? If we could redirect our existing spending away from target and walmart etc over to a family owned alternative that does it right, we could make a dent and spread the word to others. Anyone interested in that?
Book a tour of the store here and see for yourself:

Monday May 10, 2021
FREEDOM REIGNS Feat. Beth Martens (Truth Warrior)
Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
In today's episode I will be speaking with Beth Martens about current events, the rise of the entrepreneur, & how to take back our FREEDOM. Check out Beth's background & website here: https://www.bethmartens.com/about
My LinkTree https://linktr.ee/dwtruthwarrior
Many people out there still give their money to walmart, target, costco, amazon etc. We give these big corporations our money till we die. The big idea behind my sponsor patriot switch is that we have found a family owned, patriot owned manufacturer that manufactures 100% of their product line in house and competes with these big box monopolies. So, what if a bunch of us little guys banded together and we all stopped giving those big guys our money? If we could redirect our existing spending away from target and walmart etc over to a family owned alternative that does it right, we could make a dent and spread the word to others to do the same. Anyone interested in that?
Book a tour of the store here and see for yourself:

Wednesday May 05, 2021
Truth RISING (Truth Warrior)
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Wednesday May 05, 2021
In today's episode I cover news updates & current events. I talk about the many exposures happening in various areas & how I see all this insanity breaking down over the coming months.
My Linktree: https://linktr.ee/dwtruthwarrior
what would happen if a bunch of us little guys got together and stopped giving our money to Walmart, Target, Shoppers Drug Mart, Walgreens, Amazon etc? The core goal here is that we can ‘starve the beast’ by withdrawing our support from these corrupt multinational corporations and big box stores that most of us hate. They are putting us all out of business, making us sicker, poorer, and less free. What if instead seek out better alternatives? Go check out this online community store like I did and see what you think: https://patriotswitch.com/truthwarrior/

Monday May 03, 2021
Monday May 03, 2021
Monday May 03, 2021
In this show I cover current events and the many things being exposed at the moment for all to see.
My website: https://www.dwtruthwarrior.com/

Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
MAKE THINKING GREAT AGAIN Feat. Dr Randy Wysong (Truth Warrior)
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
In this episode I speak with Dr. Wysong (BS, DVM) author of thirteen books, numerous scientific articles, and newsletters on the origin of life, philosophy, logic, self-improvement, fitness, nutrition, prevention, alternative holistic health, embryology, and surgical techniques. His website: https://www.asifthinkingmatters.com/
He has practiced veterinary surgery and medicine, taught college courses in human anatomy, physiology, and the origin of life, directed research in health education and product development, guides the philanthropic non-profit Wysong Institute, and is an iconoclastic free thinker, natural health and fitness advocate, athletic competitor, and do-it-yourselfer.
1. https://t.me/dwtruthwarrior/1948
2. https://t.me/dwtruthwarrior/1949
My LinkTree https://linktr.ee/dwtruthwarrior
Just a brief mention about my partnership with Patriot switch, what would happen if a bunch of us little guys got together and stopped giving our money to Walmart, Target, Shoppers Drug Mart, Walgreens, Amazon etc? The core goal here is that we can ‘starve the beast’ by withdrawing our support from these corrupt multinational corporations and big box stores that most of us hate. They are putting us all out of business, making us sicker, poorer, and less free. What if instead seek out better alternatives?
Go check out this online community store like I did and see what you think: patriotswitch.com/truthwarrior

Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Article link: http://www.michaeltsarion.com/an-address-to-the-dead.html
Learn more on these subjects here: https://unslaved.com/
My LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/dwtruthwarrior

Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
THE WORLD ON FIRE Feat. Michael Tsarion (Truth Warrior)
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
UNSLAVED: https://unslaved.com/
In this episode I speak with world renowned author, researcher, historian Michael Tsarion about his recent work on Unslaved presenting on subjects like: The Brotherhood of Death, Age of Dionysus, Gnosticism Exposed, The Moral Universe, Blood Rites, History of Ireland, Mass Psychology & more.
How does the past affect the present? Where did all of this begin?
My LinkTree https://linktr.ee/dwtruthwarrior
What would happen if all us little guys who’ve just gotten smashed in this pandemic due to the loss of our jobs and closures of our businesses, what if we banded together and stopped giving our money to Walmart & the big box stores? That’s a vote that actually counts because it sends a message they can’t ignore. I hope you will be willing to go check out this online community store like I did and see what you think. learn more about our online store by visiting: patriotswitch.com/truthwarrior

Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Canada Is Waking Up! Feat. Mark Friesen "Grizzly Patriot" (Truth Warrior)
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Canada has been spiraling more and more towards tyranny every day that passes. Even though the situation appears dire, a historic level of awakening in Canada is underway with no sign of letting up. Follow Mark here: https://twitter.com/MarkFriesen08
We have just witnessed the largest transfer of wealth in human history. What would happen if all us little guys who’ve just gotten smashed in this pandemic due to the loss of our jobs and closures of our businesses, what if we banded together and stopped giving our money to Walmart & the big box stores? That’s a vote that actually counts because it sends a message they can’t ignore. I hope you will be willing to go check out this online community store like I did and see what you think. learn more about our online store by visiting patriotswitch.com/truthwarrior
My website: https://www.dwtruthwarrior.com
UNSLAVED: https://unslaved.com/
TW PREMIUM: https://rokfin.com/dwtruthwarrior
Follow Truth Warrior on:
Foxhole (Livestreams) https://thefoxhole.app/#/home/13452
Podbean: https://wayofthetruthwarrior.podbean.com/
DLive https://dlive.tv/DWTruthWarrior
Telegram: https://t.me/dwtruthwarrior
Gab: https://gab.com/dwtruthwarrior
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dwtruthwarrior
Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/dwtruthwarrior
iTunes: https://tinyurl.com/yysr7anl

Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
CAPITALISM DEFENDED: Ayn Rand VS Klaus Schwab (Truth Warrior)
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
We all have a choice to make: Freedom or Slavery?
In this episode I look at what is being proposed by many governments right now under the guise of a threat. Is this really all just about the threat itself, or is it about the great reset?
*Think about it.
11 corporations own all the shelf space.
6 corporations own all the media.
All are in bed with big pharma and the globalist cartel.
When we purchase everyday products filled with toxins from these multi-national corporations that do not have our best interest in mind, we often have no idea that same money ends up funding our enslavement. It's time to make a SWITCH and starve the beast.
Join me as I launch my new project: PATRIOT SWITCH. Get in touch with us here and book a tour with one of our Truth Warrior team members to learn more: http://patriotswitch.com/truthwarrior/
My website: https://www.dwtruthwarrior.com
UNSLAVED: https://unslaved.com/
TW PREMIUM: https://rokfin.com/dwtruthwarrior
Follow Truth Warrior on:
Foxhole (Livestreams) https://thefoxhole.app/#/home/13452
Podbean: https://wayofthetruthwarrior.podbean.com/
DLive https://dlive.tv/DWTruthWarrior
Telegram: https://t.me/dwtruthwarrior
Gab: https://gab.com/dwtruthwarrior
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dwtruthwarrior
Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/dwtruthwarrior
iTunes: https://tinyurl.com/yysr7anl