
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Canadian Airlines Fight Back! with Rob Simpson (Truth Warrior)
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Monday Jun 13, 2022
“Who are we? We are a community of Westjet employees, both active and in-active, from call-centre and customer service agents to pilots and flight attendants, negatively impacted by the federal government's medical mandates. Many of us have individual variances in our stories; some are on unpaid leave, some suffer from vaccine injury, some were forced into early retirement, and some were terminated. Although impacted individually, we all suffer equally.”
Full synopsis here on their donation page ‘Justice For Westjetters’
My website: https://www.dwtruthwarrior.com
Become an Unslaved premium member today and access thousands of hours of unique research and content that you will not find anywhere else: https://unslaved.com/
Watch my new FREE docuseries here: https://www.cultofthemedics.com/
MY SPONSOR: DEFUND VANGUARD! Stop giving your $ to walmart and the big box stores. These billionaires just looted our economy blind. Help me starve the beast and fund independent media, make the switch today! https://patriotswitch.com/truthwarrior

Monday Jun 06, 2022
World Socialism Exposed - The Real Globalist Agenda (Truth Warrior)
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Monday Jun 06, 2022
There are many misunderstandings about the true nature and history of socialism, the agenda by world elites & various secret societies for hundreds of years to create a world socialist system made up of a hybrid of all of the totalitarian systems of the past, and how this all helps to explain current world events.
Links to sources and slides:
1. https://t.me/dwtruthwarrior/6565
2. https://t.me/dwtruthwarrior/6575
My website: https://www.dwtruthwarrior.com
Become an Unslaved premium member today and access thousands of hours of unique research and content that you will not find anywhere else: https://unslaved.com/
Watch my new FREE docuseries here: https://www.cultofthemedics.com/
MY SPONSOR: DEFUND VANGUARD! Stop giving your $ to walmart and the big box stores. These billionaires just looted our economy blind. Help me starve the beast and fund independent media, make the switch today! https://patriotswitch.com/truthwarrior

Saturday Jun 04, 2022
The Mars Chronicles Ep. 07 The Hidden History Of The Human Race with Michael Cremo
Saturday Jun 04, 2022
Saturday Jun 04, 2022
One of the prominent themes introduced in Forbidden Archeology is the phenomena of "knowledge filtration." This is the process by which scientists & others routinely accept evidence that supports their preconceptions & theories while rejecting, either consciously or unconsciously, other evidence that does not uphold their views. This process of suppression of evidence is illustrated by many of the anomalous paleoanthropological findings discussed in the book. This evidence now tends to be extremely obscure, & it also tends to be clouded by a series of negative reports, themselves obscure & dating from the time when the evidence was being actively rejected. Thus, evolutionary prejudices held by powerful groups of scientists act as a "knowledge filter" which has eliminated evidence challenging accepted views.
Michael's website: https://mcremo.com/
Michael's new book "My Science, my religion"
Mars Chronicles website: https://www.themarschronicles.com/

Thursday Jun 02, 2022
PSYWAR: The Art Of Irregular Warfare with Patel Patriot (Truth Warrior)
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Patel Patriot in the house! Catch up on his latest article on irregular warfare here: https://patelpatriot.substack.com/p/devolution-part-22?s=w
DEVOLVED (Docuseries)
My website: https://www.dwtruthwarrior.com
Watch my new FREE docuseries here: https://www.cultofthemedics.com/
MY SPONSOR: DEFUND VANGUARD! Stop giving your $ to walmart and the big box stores. These billionaires just looted our economy blind. Help me starve the beast and fund independent media, make the switch today! https://patriotswitch.com/truthwarrior

Wednesday May 25, 2022
Venom Tech & Bioweapons Explained with Dr Tau Braun (Truth Warrior)
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Tau Braun Ed.D, MS. EMT
U.S. National Counterterrorism & EMS Advisor and Trainer
Chief Scientist, CounterBioterrorism (CBT) Division, BioChem Engineering
Executive Director, Violence Prevention Agency (VPA)
As a Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Tau Braun focused on integrative psychology and wellness.
In 2019, Dr. Braun provided testimony on Mass Violence to the Texas Senate.
Dr. Tau Brauns epistemological, humanistic, systems-based approach offers a compassionate, scientific, optimistic, and mindful solution to complex issues.
During the COVID crisis, Dr. Braun found himself in the epicenter, New York City, and shifted his focus towards mitigation and prevention strategies against the virus, a non-human mass casualty attacker, causing immense amounts of human suffering.
Dr. Braun is currently investigating the bio synthetic aspects of SARS-CoV2, the possibility that it is a military grade biological weapon, and mapping its pathophysiology.
My website: https://www.dwtruthwarrior.com
Watch my new FREE docuseries here: https://www.cultofthemedics.com/
MY SPONSOR: DEFUND VANGUARD! Stop giving your $ to walmart and the big box stores. These billionaires just looted our economy blind. Help me starve the beast and fund independent media, make the switch today! https://patriotswitch.com/truthwarrior

Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
Mike Donio holds a bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with a Minor in Chemistry from the University of Massachusetts and a master’s degree in Biotechnology with a concentration in Biotechnology Enterprise from Johns Hopkins.
He is an accomplished scientist with 20 years of experience in the biotech & pharmaceutical industry. His unique experience spans from working under a top infectious diseases doctor on HIV research to a Senior Scientist developing antibodies to treat cancer. Due to his deeply held religious beliefs he was let go from his most recent role for not complying with the Covid Vaccine policy.
Follow Mike's group Scientists For Health Freedom on Telegram: https://t.me/scientistsforhealthfreedom
My website: https://www.dwtruthwarrior.com
Watch my new FREE docuseries here: https://www.cultofthemedics.com/
MY SPONSOR: DEFUND VANGUARD! Stop giving your $ to walmart and the big box stores. These billionaires just looted our economy blind. Help me starve the beast and fund independent media, make the switch today! https://patriotswitch.com/truthwarrior

Saturday May 21, 2022
The Mars Chronicles Ep. 05 The Mystery Of The Pyramids (Josh Reid & David Whitehead)
Saturday May 21, 2022
Saturday May 21, 2022
There are over 5000 ancient pyramids on our planet. There are pyramid structures in various oceans. There are even pyramid structures photographed on Mars. The pyramid is a main symbol of wisdom keepers and religion, and also criminal syndicates, secret societies, Masonic orders, and ancient cults.
Who built them, and why?
What hidden mysteries are uncovered when these great monuments are understood?
This and more...
MY SPONSOR: DEFUND VANGUARD! Stop giving your $ to walmart and the big box stores. These billionaires just looted our economy blind. Help me starve the beast and fund independent media, make the switch today! https://patriotswitch.com/truthwarrior

Monday May 16, 2022
Monday May 16, 2022
Today I will be speaking with Diego Rodriguez about his shocking and horrific experience with the medical kidnapping of his grandson Cyrus.
Diego's site: https://freedomman.org/cyrus
My site: https://www.dwtruthwarrior.com
Check out my new FREE docuseries here: https://www.cultofthemedics.com
MY SPONSOR: DEFUND VANGUARD! Stop giving your $ to walmart and the big box stores. These billionaires just looted our economy blind. Help me starve the beast and fund independent media, make the switch today! https://patriotswitch.com/truthwarrior

Wednesday May 11, 2022
Scott Schara: The Tragedy Behind the Hospital That Killed Grace Schara (Truth Warrior)
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Grace Schara, a beautiful 19 year old young girl with Down Syndrome, died on October 13 at a COVID hospital – a hospital following the government treatment protocols that continue to fail at preventing COVID deaths. Many hospitals are committed to following what the government dictates, and receive financial benefits by doing so. Grace’s case highlights many abuses, along with the dangers of financial temptation. This is a tragic story that can help wake us up to what’s happening in many hospitals today and turn us to the only One who can truly fix this mess.
Website: https://ouramazinggrace.net/Tragedy-hospital
SubStack: ouramazinggrace.substack.com
My site: https://www.dwtruthwarrior.com
Watch the new CULT OF THE MEDICS trailer: https://cultofthemedics.com/
MY SPONSOR: DEFUND VANGUARD! Stop giving your $ to walmart and the big box stores. These billionaires just looted our economy blind. Help me starve the beast and fund independent media, make the switch today! https://patriotswitch.com/truthwarrior

Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
In today’s show I will be sharing a recent interview that I did with a woman named Trina who experienced living hell under the medical tyranny in Canada after her vaccine injured daughter received a false cancer diagnosis. She soon realized that parents in Ontario and elsewhere in Canada do not have parental rights the moment their child is diagnosed with cancer and other diseases. Her story shocked me to the bone and many parents have no idea that their parental rights are under attack in Canada.
Trina’s goal is to tell her tragic account in hopes of waking up Canadians to just how corrupt and incompetent our medical system has become so that lives can be saved.
LINKS Recent Case Regarding Parent Refusing Chemotherapy For First Nations Child In Favour Of Traditional | CanLII Connects
Ontario example:
Boy forced to get chemo treatments returned to parents | CBC News
Yet this is ok:
Court Rules Parents Can't Stop 14-Year-Old From Taking Trans Hormones (thefederalist.com)
This article in part sets those parents who do not do their due research up for failure.
Can Parents Refuse Chemotherapy? – Gardner Quad Squad
Trina's website: https://foodfueled.com/
My site: https://www.dwtruthwarrior.com
Watch the new CULT OF THE MEDICS trailer: https://cultofthemedics.com/
MY SPONSOR: DEFUND VANGUARD! Stop giving your $ to walmart and the big box stores. These billionaires just looted our economy blind. Help me starve the beast and fund independent media, make the switch today! https://patriotswitch.com/truthwarrior